By Heath & Nicole Reed Stretching 101 From Laura Inverarity, D.O., former Guide
Stretching is the deliberate lengthening of muscles in order to increase muscle flexibility and joint range of motion. Stretching activities are an important part of any exercise or rehabilitation program. They help warm the body up prior to activity thus decreasing the risk of injury as well as muscle soreness. The benefits of stretching are many and have been proven through various studies over time. Stretching benefits people of all ages, and is intended for the young as well as the elderly population. The Benefits of Stretching According to the Mayo Clinic, the top five benefits of stretching include:
Proper Stretching Technique It is essential to practice proper stretching techniques. Doing so will allow you to avoid any unnecessary injury. Tips to proper stretching technique include the following:
Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy includes stretching within our various Massage sessions and recommends at home techniques to further facilitate relaxation and improve range of motion according to individual client needs. Indulge...In Your Health!
![]() Skin & Allergy News recently posted this article that I found interesting because so many clients come in with Skin Care issues even after the "teen years" of breakouts. There are a variety of possible reasons but this article considers one. Sleep Quality May Impact Skin Health August 27, 2012 A recent article in the New York Times ("How Well you Sleep May Hinge on Race," Aug. 20, 2012), discussed a link between ethnicity and quality of sleep. According to the story, non-Hispanic white patients sleep longer with less interruption than people of other ethnicities. Black patients are also most likely to get shorter, more restless sleep, according to the article. Poor sleep quality has been associated with high blood pressure, obesity, and insulin resistance, which might help explain why people in some minority groups experience higher rates of chronic health conditions. The article highlighted racial disparity evidence presented at the annual Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting in Boston in June. White patients from the Chicago area were found to get an average of 7.4 hours of sleep per night; Hispanic and Asian patients averaged 6.9 hours; and black patients averaged 6.8 hours. Sleep quality – defined as ease in falling asleep and length of uninterrupted sleep – was also higher for white patients than for black patients. Even after adjusting for cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, and obesity, black patients and other ethnic minorities still got less, and more disruptive, sleep than white patients. Could differences in quality of sleep also be associated with dermatologic conditions that occur at a higher rate in certain ethnic groups? A study, published earlier this year, found that sleep disturbance correlated with immune system dysregulation (Am. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry 2012 Feb. 10 [epub ahead of print]), which could help explain why atopic dermatitis is seem more frequently in children of Asian and African-American descent? Interestingly, there have been reports of sleep disturbances in both infants and older children with atopic dermatitis (Asian Pac. J. Allergy Immunol. 2012;30:26-31). But is it the atopic dermatitis that causes poor sleep or the poor sleep that exacerbates the atopic dermatitis? I think there is probably a relationship in both directions. It would be interesting to study whether socioeconomic and living conditions, regardless of race and ethnicity, are contributing factors. Insights into sleep quality and ethnic disparities may also offer further information on the same disparities seen in skin conditions. - Naissan Wesley, M.D. Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy recognizes that we all want radiant skin. Some of us were born with it but, most of us have to work to get it. Does your skin leave you hiding the real beauty you are within...Our Skin Care Treatments offer solutions so that you get the results you want and the confidence you deserve! Our Massage Treatments will help you to unwind and relax so that you can get the rest you need!
Indulge...In Your Health! ![]() What is Aromatherapy? According to the Alliance of International Aromatherapists, Aromatherapy is a true holistic therapy, offering simultaneous healing possibilities on physical, emotional and energetic levels. Aromatherapy works by simply taking a deep breath: the aromatic molecules enter our blood stream and travel to all parts of our body. The wide range of aromas available can gently help any mood or emotion. The essential oils used in aromatherapy are highly concentrated substances, extracted most commonly by steam distillation from a variety of flowers, herbs, trees, roots, and fruit. Each oil offers its own unique chemistry of healing qualities. Lavender, geranium, spruce, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon and myrrh are oils commonly used in aromatherapy. Each essential oil has its own distinct chemical profile that offers therapeutic properties. Each is classified as stimulating, balancing, relaxing, or more specifically, as antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, decongestants, analgesics, antiinflammatory, digestives, to name a few. A typical example is shown by the use of lavender, one of the most versatile and widely used oils. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is known to soothe tension headaches, reduce inflammation and pain, cleanse wounds,aid in tissue repair for burns and cuts, and relax you to sleep. Today, aromatherapy is widely used in various health care settings: in hospitals for stress, nausea and cancer care; in senior care environments for reducing agitation, improving sleep, and improving indoor air quality; and in massage therapy for relaxation and reducing body pain. Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy customizes the use of a variety of essential oils during each of our services, according to the needs of the client, unless requested by the client to do otherwise. Our goal is to provide a tranquil environment in which you experience serenity and rejuvenation. We don't charge extra for the use of Aromatherapy essential oils, we consider it to be an essential part of the service you receive. We invite you to come in, relax and breathe deeply. Experience the benefits of our Aromatherapy. Indulge...In Your Health! ![]() Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy is pleased to let you know that Victoria John will be available starting this Friday, September 7th, 2012 for Organic Manicures & Pedicures! She will also be available for Facials, Makeup, Waxing, Body Scrubs and Wraps. Our Manicure & Pedicure Menu will be available over the next few days so, feel free to call or check the website for more information on any of our services. We look forward to helping you with all of your Wellness needs! Indulge...In Your Health! ![]() We here all kinds of comments about Chocolate, from it making you fat to causing acne or you can't eat it because your Diabetic but, most of us just Love it! Does it have any nutritional value or is it something to sneak and devour in secret or only on those special occasions? I really thought this article by Sara McGrath of Nutrition Suite 101 gives sweet consideration to the question. Enjoy! Dark chocolate is healthy chocolate. High-quality, nutritious dark chocolate provides a host of health benefits from nutritional to medicinal. According to Katherine Tallmadge a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, "More and more research is showing that [eating chocolate] is really more beneficial than we ever imagined." People, particularly women, report specific cravings for chocolate, which may signal a nutritional or medicinal need. Chocolate contains several essential minerals and nutrients including iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B1, C, D and E. Cocoa powder is the highest natural source of magnesium. According to, a one-ounce serving of dark chocolate contains 19 percent of the US recommended daily allowance of iron.Chocolate, Menstruation, and Pregnancy Dark chocolate contains a high level of magnesium, which is essential for calcium absorption, which in turn reduces the muscle cramps common during menstruation (premenstrual syndrome) and pregnancy. Magnesium relaxes the uterus (and other muscles), reducing the chance of premature contractions during pregnancy. Magnesium is also used as a treatment for constipation, which can also contribute to menstrual cramps. Magnesium is necessary to build and repair tissues and to regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Additional sources of magnesium include nuts, seafood (safe seafood during pregnancy), and green vegetables. Sufficient magnesium helps reduce nausea and vomiting, the symptoms of morning sickness. Chocolate and Caffeine Chocolate contains a mild stimulant, caffeine-like substance called theobromine. Theobromine is not the same as caffeine and sources differ on whether theobromine carries the same risks during pregnancy as caffeine. Theobromine can reduce blood pressure and works as a diuretic increasing urine output, which many women already consider an issue during pregnancy. According to the March of Dimes, small amounts of caffeine appear safe during pregnancy. Chocolate contains significantly less caffeine-like substance than coffee, tea, and soda. Chocolate also contains the mood elevating elements seratonin and phenylethylamine, which the human brain releases when people feel happy. Chocolate and Flavonoid Antioxidants The flavonoids (polyphenol antioxidants) in dark chocolate can lower high blood pressure, which is especially important during pregnancy. The flavonoids also increase blood flow to the brain and protect cells from damage by environmental toxins. Antioxidants may prevent preeclampsia and reduce the risk of birth defects. Additional sources of antioxidants include fresh (preferably organic) fruits and vegetables. Unsweetened cocoa powder contains the highest level of beneficial properties, followed by high cocoa content dark chocolate. Milk chocolate and white chocolate contain significantly less nutritional value, significantly more carbohydrate (sugar), and milk may actually negate the health benefits of chocolate. Like any carbohydrate (sugar-containing) food, chocolate consumption warrants moderation. However, dark chocolate can play a part in a healthy diet. It can provide medicinal as well as nutritional benefits through its potential to prevent or treat high blood pressure, magnesium deficiency, preeclampsia during pregnancy, premature birth, and birth defects. Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy carries Wei of Chocolate, Organic Dark Chocolate infused with flower essences that suite your varied moods. Come on in
and try some. It is delicious and good for you. Indulge...In Your Health! I seem to be talking about detoxing so much lately with clients. With all the the stress packed into our lives, we do need to so down and find ways to recharge and rejuvenate. My husband and I did a particular Detox a few years ago. We both felt so much more energy, lost the brain fog, slept better and he actually lost 33 lbs and I lost 22 lbs. Funny thing is he wasn't nearly as strict about it as I was and he lost more. Men have more muscle so they tend to lose faster in general. Maybe it was more of a shock to his system anyway. LOL but, I think we are ready to do this one again! Its really all about health, wellness and energy, the weight loss was however, a great side benefit! Good book!! Dr Roni knows her stuff!! Vital Tips on Detoxing
by Roni DeLuz Are you thinking about detoxing? If you have been experiencing frequent headaches, constipation related skin problems, nausea, weight gain and general lack of vitality and a host of other unexplained health issues, you should consider detoxing your body. Detoxing is short for detoxification. As the name suggests, it involves cleansing the body of all the potentially harmful dietary and environmental toxins and revitalizing it. Detoxing primarily accelerates the elimination of body waste, cleans the colon, enhances blood circulation, purges allergenic or fatty food items from the diet and replenishes the body with nutrients to promote optimal health and functioning of the liver. Processed foods, a stressful lifestyle and environmental pollution can lead to the build-up of toxins in the body over a period of time and if not flushed out it can lead to chronic disease. Since the liver is the chief organ involved in the process of detoxing, extra care should be taken during the detox program in order to ensure that this vital organ’s functioning is not hampered. If you’re considering detoxing I want you to be successful, renewed by the experience and enjoy all the benefits that detoxing can accomplish. So in order to bring your liver on track and regain the lost sheen on your face? Here are a few tips:
Need more inforamtion on ways to Detox...Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy offers Far Infrared Sauna, Body Wraps and Therapeutic Massage as well as nutritionals to help get you started. Come in for a free consultation. Indulge...In Your Health! Exert from " 10 Ways to Reduce Inflammation" by—Holly Pevzner, May/June 2012 EatingWell Magazine Chronic inflammation plays a significant role (as either a cause or effect) in many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, and the three top killers in the United States: heart disease, cancer and stroke. Emerging research is focusing on the link between inflammation and brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The good news is that diet, exercise and lifestyle changes can be powerful tools against inflammation. ![]() Enjoy a Massage A massage isn’t just a treat—it can be part of staying healthy. Receiving a 45-minute Swedish massage can greatly lower levels of two key inflammation-promoting hormones, according to a study in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. “Massage may decrease inflammatory substances by [appropriately] increasing the amount of disease-fighting white blood cells in the body,” says Mark Hyman Rapaport, M.D., co-author of the study. “It may also lower stress hormones. Either way, these inflammation-lowering results can be seen after just one massage.” Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy will customize a Massage according to your specific kneads. We have other Wellness services which also help to counter inflammation in the body. Contact us today for a free consultation. Indulge...In Your Health! From EatingWell: July/August 2009 ![]() When clients come to Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy, we like to offer something cool, refreshing and healthy, as they begin to unwind and relax .This herbal iced tea blends sour, berry-flavored hibiscus tea with sweet pomegranate juice. It is Diabetes appropriate, low in carbohydrates and Gluten free. The perfect start to a memorable Spa experience! 8 servings, about 1 cup each Ingredients
Indulge...In Your Health! ![]() Forty-four (44) percent of adult Americans who had a massage between July 2010 and July 2011 received it for medical or health reasons compared to 35 percent the previous year. And of the people who had at least one massage in the last five years, 40 percent reported they did so for health conditions such as pain management, injury rehabilitation, migraine control, or overall wellness. SOURCE: American Massage Therapy Association When was the last time you had a massage? Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy has a selection of Massage Modalities to fit your Kneads! (pun intended) your Health! Have you ever noticed that you can smell a nail salon before you even see the salon? That’s because most nails salons in the United States perform artificial nail services (i.e. acrylics / fills) that require the use of harmful chemicals. These chemicals include methacrylates, formaldehyde, benzoyl peroxide and phthalates. These vapors are so strong that they can travel and affect neighboring businesses. Typical nail salons can give you a headache with the strong fumes and poor ventilation, causing varied short and long term health risks. As soon as you walk into Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy, you will just notice the calming aroma of organic spices, natural botanicals and pure essential oils. This air quality is possible because we do not offer acrylic nail services. We understand the benefit of using non-toxic products and all natural ingredients. We are committed to using the highest quality products in each and every service and strive to use organic whenever possible. We invite you to come in, sit back, relax and breathe deeply. Experience the benefits of our Organic Manicures or Pedicures! Indugle...In Your Health! |
AuthorAndrea Stein has been in the Beauty, Health and Wellness industry for over 38 years. She is the owner of Andrea's Skin Care & Body Therapy, a practicing Certified Aesthetician and Massage Therapist. Her goal is to provide memorable spa experiences that are relaxing and rejuvenating while achieving results that you will both see and feel. Archives
June 2014
Hours By Appointment:
9am-5pm Tuesday 9am-7pm Wednesday 1pm-7pm Thursday 9am-7pm Friday 1pm-5pm Saturday 4101 Tully Road, Suite 302 Modesto, CA 95356 |